Calculated Variables

by: Piotr Nikiel, Oct-Nov 2018
Updated August 2021

Overview and end-user documentation


A lot of concepts and work done in the context of quasar's CalculatedVariables module has been inspired by V.Filimonov's "CalculatedItems" concept in the CANopen OPC-UA server.
I'd like to acknowledge his contribution as my inspiration (even though the CalculatedVariables module is designed entirely from scratch and using original architecture as well as different concepts and technologies).


A quasar-based OPC-UA server is based on a model of a system it is made for. This model is called a design. The model explains (in terms of quasar classes, variables etc.) what sources and sinks of information the system can publish or digest.

Often it is practical to add supplementary sources of information - like Calculated Variables - on top of what the model already provides. The reasons for doing this are often the following:

Design-based variables vs CalculatedVariables

Aspect Design-based variable (cache-variable or source-variable) Calculated Variable
The variable always belongs to an object of a quasar class which is defined by the model (Design).
Therefore it's the design which determines its type, behaviour, limitations etc.
The variable is defined in the configuration file which is loaded at runtime.
Source of information
Comes from inside of the server, typically from user supplied Device logic. Any method available by C++ programming can be used.
Is a result of an analytical expression evaluation. The inputs to the expression can be:
  • literal constants (e.g. 1000.0 or _pi)
  • scalar cache variables which output numbers (i.e. are of any numeric quasar data type)
  • other calculated variables
  • free variables
  • config entries of numeric data-type
Output type
Any supported by quasar, including arrays.
Double or boolean scalar.
Adding new variable per quasar class requires recompilation?

Feature list

Supports all quasar numerical types
Formulas with N inputs
Good/Bad/WaitingForInitialData support
Separate formula for status evaluation
Support for delegated cache-variables
Tracing in separate LogIt component
open62541 compatibility
Initial value support
Evaluation as boolean
Atomic passing of value and status, thread safety
Optimizing out variables not used in any expression
Formula templates

Operators and built-in functions

A summary of functions, operators and constants which mu::Parser supports is pasted here for reference.

Built-in functions

Name Argc. Explanation
sin 1 sine function
cos 1 cosine function
tan 1 tangens function
asin 1 arcus sine function
acos 1 arcus cosine function
atan 1 arcus tangens function
sinh 1 hyperbolic sine function
cosh 1 hyperbolic cosine
tanh 1 hyperbolic tangens function
asinh 1 hyperbolic arcus sine function
acosh 1 hyperbolic arcus tangens function
atanh 1 hyperbolic arcur tangens function
log2 1 logarithm to the base 2
log10 1 logarithm to the base 10
log 1 logarithm to base e (2.71828...)
ln 1 logarithm to base e (2.71828...)
exp 1 e raised to the power of x
sqrt 1 square root of a value
sign 1 sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0
rint 1 round to nearest integer
abs 1 absolute value
min var. min of all arguments
max var. max of all arguments
sum var. sum of all arguments
avg var. mean value of all arguments

Built-in operators

Operator Description Priority
= assignement -1
&& logical and 1
|| logical or 2
<= less or equal 4
>= greater or equal 4
!= not equal 4
== equal 4
> greater than 4
< less than 4
+ addition 5
- subtraction 5
* multiplication 6
/ division 6
^ raise x to the power of y 7

Common mathematical constants
_pi, _e

Configuration file schema regarding Calculated Variables

The XML element type is called CalculatedVariable and it has the following attributes:

XSD Type
Name of this calculated variable. Note that the full address that this variable obtains will be the name prefixed by the address of position in the Address Space where the variable gets instantiated.
Value formula, that is: an analytical expression used to evaluate value of this variable. Some examples will be given below.
Initial value, i.e. the value that this variable will hold BEFORE first evaluation happens (which normally is when all formula ingredients receive the initial update). If initialValue is not given then the variable will hold NULL along BadWaitingForInitialData status.
Evaluate and present as boolean. The final result will be OpcUa_True if the calculation result is non-zero.
Status formula, that is: an analytical expression used to evaluate OPC-UA status-code of this variable. The status-code will be OpcUa_Good if the formula evaluates to non-zero otherwise OpcUa_Bad. If status formula is not used then by default the variable is OpcUa_Good when all input arguments are in good status, or OpcUa_Bad otherwise

The XML element CalculatedVariable can be attached under any quasar object declaration as well as on global scope.

Meta-functions and meta-operators (dollar signs in the formulas)

It is often practical to perform some sort of elaboration of configured formulas before they are given to be compiled by the formula parser. Such elaboration steps are achieved by placing dollar-sign operators and functions in the formulas. For all examples below, the following quasar design diagram is used:


$thisObjectAddress evaluates to the string address of the object under which the calculated variable was instantiated. It finds a very practical application to build generalized formulas, which can be applied "under" multiple places in the address-space, so $thisObjectAddress serves as the relative pointer to the object address.
Using the design as above, the following config file shows a sample application:

	<TestClass name="tc">
<CalculatedVariable name="test_var_multiplied" value="$thisObjectAddress.testVariable * 1000" />


$parentObjectAddress is a generalization of $thisObjectAddress. For N=0 it evaluates to $thisObjectAddress, for N=1 to its parent object and so on.
Using the design as above, the following config file shows a sample application:

	<TestClass name="tc">
<TestSubClass name="tsc">
<CalculatedVariable name="test_var_multiplied" value="$parentObjectAddress(numLevelsUp=1).testVariable * 1000" />


$applyGenericFormula is used in the context of generalized function templates and documented there.

Generalized formula templates

Multiple sensors of same type are likely to use same formulas (with possibly different calibration constants). Thus it is economical to share formulas between them if configuration file readibility/clarity would profit.

The basic application of generalized formula templates is composed of the following steps:

Technically, the job done by quasar for applying the formula at the point of use boils down to pasting the formula in place of the meta-function. In the future, extending this operation by optional arguments, might be considered.

An example of the generalized formula template from a real system (CERN - ATLAS DCS - New Small Wheel project, courtesy of P. Tzanis) is given. The generalized formula is put at the top of the configuration file:

<CalculatedVariableGenericFormula name="thermistorTemperature"
      formula="1/( 3.3540154*10^(-3)+(2.5627725*10^(-4)*log(1000*$thisObjectAddress.value/500))+(2.0829210*10^(-6)*(log(1000*$thisObjectAddress.value/500))^2)+(7.3003206*10^(-8)*(log(1000*$thisObjectAddress.value/500))^3)) -273.15"/>

As can be seen, the formula profits from $thisObjectAddress meta-function which enables its reuse at any place of the configuration (so, consequently, the address-space) which has a sibling variable called "value" (which, in the case of the particular application, is the converted voltage expressed in volts).

Then, the application of the formula is done in the following way:

<AnalogInput id="0" name="GBTX1_TEMP" enableCurrentSource="true" > <CalculatedVariable name="temperature" value="$applyGenericFormula(thermistorTemperature)" /> </AnalogInput> 
<AnalogInput id="1" name="GBTX2_TEMP" enableCurrentSource="true" > <CalculatedVariable name="temperature" value="$applyGenericFormula(thermistorTemperature)" /> </AnalogInput>

CalculatedVariables logging and tracing

CalculatedVariables module has its own LogIt component called "CalcVars".

As it's the case with any LogIt logging component, its log levels can be configured via the address-space as well as in the configuration file. The latter is often needed because most of potential issues (formula errors) would happen at the server initialization, i.e. before it is possible and practical to raise verbosity using the address-space.

Thus, in case of issues with formulas, it is advised to put the CalcVars log level to TRC, for instance by means of the XML configuration:

<ComponentLogLevel componentName="CalcVars" logLevel="TRC" />

Escaping variable names containing dashes ("-") and slashes ("/")

Users of quasar-based servers sometimes choose to name their quasar objects (i.e. the name attribute of XML elements in the configuration files) with names containing dashes or slashes.
This is legit in the quasar world. However, it poses some problems if CalculatedVariables inputs connect to such named objects (i.e. its variables).

Imagine the following config file:

<MyDevice name="Bus1/Device2-A">
<CalculatedVariable name="calibrationConstant" value="2.35"/>

Such a config file is fine; among different address-space entities instantiated it'd have the CalculatedVariable under address "Bus1/Device2-A.calibrationConstant".
However, now imagine that somewhere "later" in the config file, another CalculatedVariable would be introduced and it would refer to the calibrationConstant:

<CalculatedVariable name="voltage" value="X -  Bus1/Device2-A.calibrationConstant"/>

A problem is clearly seen: in the formula, it is impossible to distinguish if the dashes "-" and slashes "/" refer to input variable names or the subtraction and/or division operators (in simpler cases like in this example one could "guess" the meaning but in general quasar architecture prefers to be more explicit rather than to guess). Note that due to the grammar imposed by the parser engine, the precedence of dashes and slashes will always be given to operators rather than operands.

Therefore one needs to escape the dash and slash signs in case these are to refer to variable names. Thus, the aforementioned example would be fixed this way:

 <CalculatedVariable name="voltage" value="X -  Bus1\/Device2\-A.calibrationConstant"/>

Note that those using $thisObjectAddress and/or $parentObjectAddress to derive the input variable address do not have to do anything because both of the meta-functions will escape dashes and slashes behind the scenes.


NTC sensors: converting resistance into temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees

Imagine that a device can measure resistance of a connected resistor. If the resistor happens to be a NTC temperature probe, then one can find the temperature in function of resistance:

T = T0 * B / (T0 * ln(R/R0) + B)

where T0 is typically 298.15K (that is, +25 deg C in Kelvin degrees), B is the so called B constant of a NTC probe (often 3977K) and R0 is the resistance at T0.
The variable in the example is R, and that is the cache-variable that gets updated by your OPC-UA server device logic.
Let's assume that the OPC-UA address of the variable is NTC1.resistance

Therefore, anywhere below NTC1 declaration in your config file, you can instantiate a CalculatedVariable that will recompute the measured resistance into temperature expressed in Kelvin degrees. In the example below we also add some CalculatedVariables to hold B, T0 and R0 constants.

<CalculatedVariable name="T0" value="298.15"/>
<CalculatedVariable name="B" value="3977"/>
<CalculatedVariable name="R0" value="10E3"/>
<CalculatedVariable name="temperatureK" value="T0*B/(T0*ln(NTC1.resistance/R0)+B)" />

We also add two Calculated Variables that will recomputer Kelvins into Celsius degrees and Fahrenheit degrees:

<CalculatedVariable name="temperatureC" value="temperatureK-273.15"/>
<CalculatedVariable name="temperatureF" value="temperatureC*1.8+32"/>

In addition, we can add a boolean variable which subjectively indicates whether it's warm enough. It's an example of usage of logical operators as well as isBoolean attribute:

<CalculatedVariable name="isWarmEnough" value="temperatureC > 20" isBoolean="true" />

CalculatedVariable attached to multiple different quasar entities

This example shall illustrate that a CalculatedVariable can be attached (i.e. its inputs might be) different quasar entities such as: cache-variables, free-variables, other calculated-variables and even config-entries (if they are of some numeric data-type).

	<TestClass name="tc" configentry="125"/>
<FreeVariable name="free_variable" type="Double"/>
<CalculatedVariable name="a_calc_var" value="500" />
value="free_variable + tc.testVariable + tc.configentry - a_calc_var" />

As can be seen, the last calculated variable is a function computed of values of many different quasar entities which all corresponds to address-space variables.


Place no white-space between unary operation (e.g. a function) and the parenthesis around its operand

Note that it is illegal (i.e. will be refused at configuration loading) to put any whitespace between unary operation (function?) and the operands, e.g. this is legal:

<CalculatedVariable name="V300" value="cos(x + 1.4)"/>

and this is illegal:
<CalculatedVariable name="V300" value="cos (x + 1.4)"/>

Advanced documentation for quasar developers

Selection of expression parser

There exist many open-source parsers potentially suitable for the feature. At the time of writing, a good overview was present at .

The author has evaluated three parsers from the list:

Overview of feature implementation

An UML class diagram is presented below.


Classes rationale

Overview of information flow

  1. All cache-variables instantiated by quasar Configuration module are of ChangeNotifyingVariable type or its subclasses.
  2. When quasar Configuration determines that given cache-variable variable looks suitable to be used as a formula input (i.e. is numeric and it's scalar), it would add a ChangeListener and a corresponding ParserVariable. The ChangeListener will (once potentially invoked in future) call setValue() on given ParserVariable.
  3. When device logic or an OPC-UA client writes to a suitable cache-variable, the setValue() of ParserVariable bound to the cache-variable will be called. It will store the new value and status in corresponding fields and then call update() on relevant (i.e. those which use given parser variable as an input) CalculatedVariable variables.

Synchronization, re-entrance, multi-threading

The CalculatedVariables module is closely tied to the AddressSpace of a quasar-based server.
For instance, the recalculation of an associated calculated variable is done within the call to a setter of a variable that it depends on.

It must be emphasized that AddressSpace is brutally multi-threaded. At the same time, the following thread families would be doing work on AddressSpace objects:

In the context of Calculated Variables, there are two obvious critical section types:

Having analyzed the problem and trying to propose a guaranteed dead-lock free solution, the author proposes to form disjoint subgraphs of the calculation graph and synchronize per each subgraph.

Let's look at an example for which the calculation graph is like in the picture below.

Synchronization example
PV stands for ParserVariable, those are all variables that can be used as inputs in a CalculatedVariable formula.
CV stands for CalculatedVariable. Note that every CV is also a PV because the output of one formula can be used as an input to another formula.

Case 1: ignore CV4 (violet node and arrows)

Case 1 would happen if we defined the following Calculated Variables in the config file (the particular operators - e.g. addition, multiplication - do not matter):

CV1 = PV1 + PV2
CV2 = CV1*PV3 + PV2
CV3 = 3.14 * PV4

In this case the implementation will form two domains of mutual exclusion (called synchronizers):

PV5 would not get a synchronizer because it's output is not used by anything; in fact PV5 would be optimized out after the configuration process is finished.

Case 2: CV4 is added

Now let's add CV4 to the picture.

This (apparently) small extension actually does change a lot in the multi-threading schema: now one mutual exclusion domain gets formed which covers all possible setters.
Though such a scenario is rather unlikely to be seen, server developers and users should be aware of this relation.

Supplementary notes on certain design decisions

Why constants from config entries propagate into ParserVariables rather than being declared using muParser::DefineConst?


Some benchmarks have been performed. The base has been pre-1.3.1 release of quasar. The benchmarks have been performed with UA-SDK 1.5.5 as the OPC-UA backend.


quasar w/o Calculated Variables support quasar w Calculated Variables support
(note: no Calc Vars declared!)
Build time of a simple, one-class server 55s
AVG = 55s
AVG = 65s
18% longer
Build time of a complex server (here: SCA) 4m15s 4m25s 3.9% longer
Time to publish 100M random doubles via a cache-variable 32793 ms
32892 ms
32623 ms
AVG = 32768 ms
32917 ms
33313 ms
33460 ms
AVG = 33230 ms
1.4% more overhead
Valgrind info (publishing 1M random doubles) ==6591== HEAP SUMMARY:
==6591== in use at exit: 27,753 bytes in 209 blocks
==6591== total heap usage: 1,031,151 allocs, 1,030,942 frees, 72,543,037 bytes allocated
==5861== HEAP SUMMARY:
==5861== in use at exit: 28,458 bytes in 213 blocks
==5861== total heap usage: 1,032,466 allocs, 1,032,253 frees, 75,191,342 bytes allocated
0.1% more allocs
note "bytes allocated" has no relation to the actual size of RSS memory of a running process!

muParser distribution model

The muParser is distributed along quasar in an amalgamated way.

In quasar repo, you can go to:
where you will find a script "" which will perform cloning of muParser and then amalgamation.

Note that the particular version of muParser as well as accompanying amalgamation utility is fixed so there is no reason to run the script without changing the version.