
Logging in quasar is handled by the LogIt component. For instructions on how to use LogIt generally, i.e. how to log specific messages from a quasar server please refer to the LogIt repository.

Initializing LogIt in the Quasar Server code

As described above, the general means of logging via LogIt is documented here. However, you will need to initialize LogIt in your quasar server - this section describes the hooks etc. provided by quasar where you, the developer, are expected to insert initialization code.
Please read about LogIt components. It’s not long or complicated and you need to know about them.
Presumably, the quasar server you write will perform tasks at runtime relating to different logical/functional/etc aspects of whatever it is the server actually does. Examples may include
  • sending commands to some target hardware (e.g. calling some 3rd party API)

  • accepting input (e.g. handling OPC UA client item writes and method calls)

  • handling hardware disconnection/reconnection events

The general idea of LogIt components is that each aspect has a dedicated logging component, the benefit of this is that LogIt allows you to raise and lower the logging verbosity of these components in order to optimize the logging output according to the aspect you are interested in.
Note: You, the quasar server developer, define the components and mark each log message in your code with component and a verbosity tag: TRACE, WARNING etc.
The class QuasarServer (in sub-directory Server) is created in your project with a hook method for you to override, to initialize LogIt with the component IDs specific to your server implementation.
// file: QuasarServer.h
  virtual void initializeLogIt();

  // file: QuasarServer.cpp
  void QuasarServer::initializeLogIt()

The convention (!= rule: you are free to invent something better and let us know) in quasar servers is that LogIt component handles are declared as globals variables in file Common/include/LogItComponentIds.h, as per the sample code below

  #include <LogItStaticDefinitions.h>

  Log::LogComponentHandle HW_API_CALLS;
  Log::LogComponentHandle AS_WRITES;
  Log::LogComponentHandle AS_UPDATES;


These handles are then initialized in the hook method QuasarServer::initializeLogIt, as per the sample code below
void QuasarServer::initializeLogIt()

    HW_API_CALLS = Log::registerLoggingComponent("HARDWARE_API_CALLS");
    AS_WRITES = Log::registerLoggingComponent("ADDRESS_SPACE_WRITES");
    AS_UPDATES = Log::registerLoggingComponent("ADDRESS_SPACE_UPDATES");

    LOG(Log::INF) << "Logging initialized.";

The handles can subsequently be used anywhere in the code (where LogItComponentIds.h is included) to log messages to the specified component, as per this sample code
LOG(Log::INF, HW_API_CALLS) << "Use the HW_API_CALLS component to log messages related to hardware API calls";
  LOG(Log::INF, AS_WRITES) << "Use the AS_WRITES component to log messages related to input via the address space, e.g. client writes and method calls";
  LOG(Log::INF, AS_UPDATES) << "Use the AS_UPDATES component to log messages related to output via the address space, e.g. updating OPC items based on events received from the hardware";

Setting LogIt Component Verbosity

Logging via LogIt is woven into the fabric of a quasar server. This allows for an integrated approach to logging that allows you to configure the verbosity of logging components both

  • initially, via the quasar server XML configuration

  • dynamically, via an OPC UA client

Initial Verbosity: Via Server Config XML

The initial per-component verbosity can be configured in the server configuration XML file. Taking the component IDs from the sample code above (namely HW_API_CALLS, AS_WRITES, AS_UPDATES), the initial per-component verbosity can be configured in the server configuration file in the StandardMetaData root element as per the sample XML snippet below

      <GeneralLogLevel logLevel="INF"/>
        <ComponentLogLevel componentName="HARDWARE_API_CALLS" logLevel="DBG"/>
        <ComponentLogLevel componentName="ADDRESS_SPACE_WRITES" logLevel="TRC"/>
        <ComponentLogLevel componentName="ADDRESS_SPACE_UPDATES" logLevel="WRN"/>

Runtime Verbosity: Via an OPC_UA client

Per-component verbosity can be read and set at runtime via standard quasar OPC UA items (via StandardMetaData.Log.ComponentLogLevels). The screenshot below shows a graphical OPC UA client (Unified Auomtation’s uaexpert client) viewing these items. Writing a new verbosity value, for example, setting component ADDRESS_SPACE_UPDATES verbosity from WRN -> TRC, would result in all messages (TRC is the highest verbosity setting) for that component being delivered to the log.
screenshot of OPC UA client setting log component verbosity

Quasar Framework Maintainers: Dealing with LogIt as a Git Submodule

Note that LogIt is its own independent component (it is used outside of quasar). So, the quasar repository does not have its own local copy of LogIt source code - quasar references LogIt source code in the LogIt repo as a git submodule. This section describes how maintainers of the quasar framework upgrade to newer versions of LogIt etc.

Which Version of LogIt is Quasar Using Now?

Release versions of quasar should use only tagged versions (i.e. releases) of LogIt. Assuming you have quasar cloned (recursively!) to your development environment… check which LogIt tag is currently in use via command git submodule status

$ git submodule status
   17d9805db6bbbfd94cbd8e80b3e2542c356b7169 LogIt (v0.1.0)

Changing the Version of LogIt Quasar Uses

So, let’s say there’s a new LogIt version -a LogIt tag- that quasar should be using. There are 2 stages to updating to the new version

  • If LogIt uses new source files then update file FrameworkInternals/original_files.txt to reflect the modified source file list.

  • Update the submodule tag. Described below

According to this content, the procedure for updating the LogIt submodule to the next tag is

cd LogIt
  git checkout vNewTag
  cd ..
  git add LogIt
  git commit -m "moved LogIt to vNewTag"
  git push

Then your fellow quasar maintainers update their environments with

git pull
  git submodule update --init --recursive