quasar.py commands help

./quasar.py build [–builder builder] [buildType]
builder (optional) can be Ninja (in Linux), or left absent for whatever is your system’s default (typically GNU Make in Linux and MSVC build in Windows).
buildType (optional) can be either Debug or Release. When not specified it defaults to Release.
See also set_build_config.
user modification of a file which belongs to quasar (found by checksum verification),
broken structure of quasar project (e.g. missing files),
file(s) not committed in the version control system,
./quasar.py create_project <destination>
Enables optional module from quasar’s optional modules catalogue. The catalogue is fetched from GitHub (or its local mirror) in case it is necessary.
./quasar.py enable_module <moduleName> [tag] [serverString]
moduleName - the name (you can list available modules by list_modules)
tag (optional) - tag/branch to checkout, if not specified, master branch is used
serverString (optional) - default git server is “https://github.com”, specify custom if necessary, e.g. “ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999”
Disables optional module. Module files will be deleted.
./quasar.py disable_module <moduleName>
Formats/styles Design.xml.
generate as_doc
generate asclass
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
generate base
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
generate cmake_headers
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
generate config_cpp
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
generate config_doc
generate config_xsd
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
generate config_validator
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
generate device
Generates the Device Logic files D<classname>.h and D<classname>.cpp.
./quasar.py generate device <quasar class>
generate device –all
generate diagram
./quasar.py generate diagram [detailLevel [mode]]
detailLevel is between 0 and 4, and it defaults to 0. When the detailLevel is increased you see more and more information.
mode defaults to “dot” which is the most hierarchical graphviz operation mode. You can also try “fdp” and “circo”, for mixed results.
./quasar.py generate diagram 4 circo
generate info_model
*Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users. *
generate source_variables
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
generate root
Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.
New in quasar 1.3.0.
with no arguments -> symlinks ServerConfig.xml and config*.xml
with one argument -> symlinks whatever wildcard-matches the argument, from bin/ in the source directory to bin/ in the build directory (NOTE: don’t forget to escape asterisk if you use it by backslash!)
convert_to_hasDeviceLogic=yes when you are upgrading from quasar older than 1.1.0,
add_nullPolicy=nullAllowed or add_nullPolicy=nullForbidden when you are upgrading from quasar older than 0.96
./quasar.py upgrade_project <destination>