quasar.py commands help



This is the main command to build the project (a quasar-based OPC UA server).

./quasar.py build [–builder builder] [buildType]

  • builder (optional) can be Ninja (in Linux), or left absent for whatever is your system’s default (typically GNU Make in Linux and MSVC build in Windows).

  • buildType (optional) can be either Debug or Release. When not specified it defaults to Release.


Prints the currently chosen build configuration file.

See also set_build_config.


Checks the consistency of the project in terms of quasar project structure.
The following classes of errors might be reported:
  • user modification of a file which belongs to quasar (found by checksum verification),

  • broken structure of quasar project (e.g. missing files),

  • file(s) not committed in the version control system,


Deprecated because quasar does out-of-source builds by default for long time.
Simply remove your build directory.


Creates a new quasar project at path given as destination.

./quasar.py create_project <destination>


Warning: this command is only for the developers of quasar itself.
Upgrades files.txt with the contents of original_files.txt. Expert command, only to be used by developers of the framework when creating a new release.
This command is strictly reserved to the quasar heads and it won’t work in a typical user environment.


 Runs doxygen in the documentation folder, by default profiting from quasar-supplied Doxyfile.


Enables optional module from quasar’s optional modules catalogue. The catalogue is fetched from GitHub (or its local mirror) in case it is necessary.


./quasar.py enable_module <moduleName> [tag] [serverString]

  •   moduleName - the name (you can list available modules by list_modules)

  •   tag (optional) - tag/branch to checkout, if not specified, master branch is used

  •   serverString (optional) - default git server is “https://github.com”, specify custom if necessary, e.g. “ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999


Disables optional module. Module files will be deleted.


./quasar.py disable_module <moduleName>


Checks dependencies of quasar.


Formats/styles Design.xml.

The backup is left as Design.xml.backup.

generate as_doc

Generates address space documentation (the documentation of all OPCUA ObjectTypes, Variables, etc… ) and places it in Documentation/AddressSpaceDoc.html.

generate asclass

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

Generates the files AS<classname>.h and AS<classname>.cpp.

generate base

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

Generates the files Base_D<classname>.h and Base_D<classname>.cpp.

generate cmake_headers

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

Generates parts of CMakeLists.txt which need to be derived from Design.

generate config_cpp

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

Generates the file Configurator.cpp.

generate config_doc

Generates documentation of the Configuration Schema.
Such a documentation is a HTML document with description of all fields that might appear in the configuration.

generate config_xsd

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

Generates the file Configuration.xsd. This method is called automatically by cmake, it does not need to be called by the user.

generate config_validator

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

Generates the file ConfigValidator.xsd. This method is called automatically by cmake, it does not need to be called by the user.

generate device

Generates the Device Logic files D<classname>.h and D<classname>.cpp.


./quasar.py generate device <quasar class>

generate device –all

Equal to “generate device” (above) run with all classes with device logic from the Design.

generate diagram

Creates a quasar design diagram for this project.

./quasar.py generate diagram [detailLevel [mode]]

  • detailLevel is between 0 and 4, and it defaults to 0. When the detailLevel is increased you see more and more information.

  • mode defaults to “dot” which is the most hierarchical graphviz operation mode. You can also try “fdp” and “circo”, for mixed results.

If bored with the typical diagrams, try:

./quasar.py generate diagram 4 circo

generate info_model

*Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users. *

Generates the files ASInformationModel.h and ASInformationModel.cpp.

generate source_variables

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

 Generates the files SourceVariables.h and SourceVariables.cpp.

generate root

Warning: this command is internally called by the build system and it is not expected to be directly used by users.

Generates the files DRoot.h and DRoot.cpp.


List all optional modules that were enabled for your project.


List all officially registered quasar optional modules.


Warning: used to be user’s command but its future is debatable - don’t use.


Prints currently deployed quasar version.


Sets the new build config. Some standard build configs are shipped with quasar, e.g. open62541 build config for building against open62541 (via open62541-compat).
See also build_config


If you use SVN as your version control system, it setups the .svnignore file, so the generated files will be ignored in your svn repository.


upgrade_design is used to cover backwards-incompatible Design changes between different versions of quasar.
As of quasar 1.3.4, it can be run with the following options:
  • convert_to_hasDeviceLogic=yes when you are upgrading from quasar older than 1.1.0,

  • add_nullPolicy=nullAllowed or add_nullPolicy=nullForbidden when you are upgrading from quasar older than 0.96


Upgrades the framework in a given target directory (where a quasar project already is).

./quasar.py upgrade_project <destination>


Validates your Design using built-in Design Validator.
You can run it on your own though each invocation to build will also run it.